Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Collective actors seaside photo

Photographing a series of movie actors and TV.
In this photo Hamed Komeili and Tina Akhond tabar

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

A woman with the biggest lips as much as 59 Cm.

A woman parts of the world with the help of scouring to Australian film maker in the Gouiness was recorded.
The discus with his woman 59. 5 cm and diameter 19. 5 cm while in previous record has been recorded in  15 cm. This woman in an old tradition by creating a disk on his lips one of the greatest disk of the lips in the world.

In this tribe for this discus girls was a dowry is very attractive is to .
What every disk of the girls and women are more the more popularity in his tribe are enjoying .

Two Austrian girl who had joined to straightforwardly

Two Austrian girl a few months ago the city of Vienna in order to marriage Jihad terrorist group to straightforwardly in Syria, were with Internet connection with their families announced that they had to return to Austria.
These two girls 15 and 17 years old Austrian have announced that regret their action and they want to return to their country.

Dash first pictures inside of Kuban

straightforwardly terrorist group for the first time since the beginning of the attack group to take city Kuban, the pictures of urban war Inside this city published.
According to the United Nations is now more than 700 citizen kuban often inside the old town.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Chinese girl like doll with surgery

Tina Leopard is a Chinese blogger and model who earlier this year sparked controversy among Internet users after photos showing her extremely sharp chin and large anime-like eyes went viral on Sina Weibo, China’s version of Twitter.

Different theme restaurants in Japan

Tokyo City in Japan is famous for its restaurants, theme thing. Some of these restaurants, you see. The restaurant looks like a prison and more like a wonderland restaurant and other restaurants like the house is a vampire.

Female motorcyclist

White Rio drivers are suddenly off track and photography of female motorcyclists left corner of the highway.